How to choose the right squid jig size?
A Guide to Choosing the Right Size
Ever wondered why some anglers reel in bucket full of squid while others struggle? A key factor, often overlooked, is the humble squid jig size. Choosing the right size jig can be the difference between a frustrating night and a successful haul. In the following, we'll dive into the world of squid jigs sizes, exploring how size impacts your catch and unravelling the secrets to selecting the perfect jig for your next squid fishing adventure.
Squid may seem like simple creatures, but their behaviour is surprisingly complex. Sure, size matters when it comes to choosing a squid jig, but there's more to the story. The time of day you cast your line, the season's bounty, the current weather, and even the water conditions all play a surprising role in determining the ideal jig size for your next catch. By understanding this fascinating correlation, you'll unlock the secrets to selecting the perfect jig and transform yourself from an average angler into a squid-catching machine!
Squid Jig Sizes
Squid jig sizes typically range from 1.5 (smallest) to 3.5 (largest) across most brands. This diagram showcases Tsuriou's recommended uses for these sizes to help you pick the right jig for your next squid jigging adventure!

Debunking the Misconception: Squid Jig Size Isn't Length

It's a common misconception that the size of a squid jig directly refers to the length of the jig itself. Many believe that squid jig sizes like 1.5 to 3.5 correspond directly to their length in inches. However, squid jig size is a relative sizing system, not a measurement of physical length. A higher number simply indicates a larger jig, but the true size and design can vary between brands.
Here's a better way to understand squid jig sizing:
Think of it as a weight / size rating system: A size 3.5 jig is generally bigger and heavier than a size 1.5 jig. This weight difference affects how fast the jig sinks and how far you can cast it.
Focus on application, not exact measurement: The size rating helps you choose a jig suitable for the situation. For example, a size 1.5 jig might be ideal for shallow waters targeting smaller squid, while size 3.5 jig is better for deeper waters or strong currents.
Squid Jig Size and Sink Rate
Standard Sizes: Squid jig sizes typically range from 1.5 to 3.5, with larger sizes generally corresponding to faster sink rates. This is because larger jigs are heavier due to more weight or bulkier design.
Sink Rate Variations: Beyond the standard size correlation, some manufacturers offer jigs within the same size range but with different sink rates. These variations are often called "slow sink" or "super slow sink" versions. These jigs are designed for specific fishing conditions.
Why Sink Rate Matters
The ideal sink rate depends on water depth, current strength, and target squid behaviour. Here are some reasons why sink rate matters:
Depth: For deep water or strong currents, you'll need a faster-sinking jig to reach the target zone efficiently.
Current: While strong currents can pull lighter jigs off course, they don't necessarily require the biggest one in your tackle box. A smaller jig can still be effective in some situations. However, if you're battling a very strong current, choosing a larger or faster-sinking jig will help it reach the target depth quicker and stay in the strike zone.
Squid Behaviour: Some squid species are more active and might chase a faster-sinking jig. Others, especially during sunny day or clear water, might be spooked by a fast descent and prefer a slower, more natural presentation.
Unlocking the Strike Zone: Choosing the Right Squid Jig Weight
Knowing the right size and sink rate for your squid jig is key to success. As we discussed, current plays a role, but water depth is equally important. Luckily, most jigs come with their sink rate proudly displayed on the packaging, or you can find it on the manufacturer's website. This information is vital because you want your jig to hit the "strike zone" – the sweet spot where squid are hanging out and hungry squid are actively feeding.
Squid Jig Size: Beyond the Basics
Sure, jig size is important, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. To truly snag success, you need to consider a dynamic interplay of factors. This includes local squid season, time of day, weather condition and water condition. Below we will delve into more details.
Squid Season
Knowing the current squid season in your fishing area is crucial. Early season often means smaller squid. So, jigs in the 1.5 to 2.5 range might be ideal. Later on, as squid grow bigger, bump up your jig size to 2.5 and above.

Early Season Snackers: As the squid season kicks off, the stars of the show are typically smaller. Size 1.5 or 2.5 jigs mimic their preferred prey size perfectly, making them irresistible targets.
Later Season Giants: Later in the season, the squid squad grows up! Bump up your jig size to 3.0 or even 3.5 to match the larger squid cruising the waters.
Think Small, Catch Big: While smaller jigs are ideal for early season squid, don't underestimate their power throughout the year. In calm, clear waters, even big squid can be cautious. A smaller jig such as size 2.5 jig can offers a subtler presentation, potentially increasing your catch rate of both large and small squid.
Time of Day
Understanding how time of day affects squid behaviour is crucial for choosing the right jig and presentation. Here's what you need to know:
Dawn and Dusk: Feeding Frenzy!
Squid are most active feeders at dawn and dusk. During this time, they're less picky and more likely to attack jigs of various sizes. This is a prime opportunity to use your standard jig size or even experiment with slightly larger sizes to potentially attract bigger squid.
Sunny Afternoon: Subtlety is Key
Under the bright sun, squid become more timid and cautious. They tend to hide near the seabed and exhibit pickier eating habits. To entice these wary squid, downsizing your jig is essential. Smaller jigs and a more delicate presentation with slower movement will increase your chances of success.
Weather Conditions
Wind can significantly impact casting distance. On calm days, you can leverage lighter jigs for better control and presentation. However, strong winds necessitate heavier jigs such as size 3.0 to 3.5 to overcome the resistance and reach your desired spots. Squid jig weight also plays a crucial role in casting distance, especially when battling wind. Here's what you need to consider:
Calm Days: Lighter jigs size 2.5 are ideal for calm conditions. They're easier to cast and provide a natural presentation.
Windy Days: When the wind picks up, heavier jigs such as size 3.0 to 3.5 become your allies. Their increased weight helps you achieve longer casts and reach your target area effectively.
Water Condition
Ever wonder why some days your squid jig seems to disappear into the abyss, while other times it barely reaches the bottom? The answer lies in the underwater world! Depth and water current play a critical role in selecting the perfect jig. By understanding how these factors work together, you'll unlock the secrets to optimal jig sinking for any situation.
Current Concerns: Conquering Calm and Current
Calm & Clear Champion: When the water is flat and visibility is high, a slow and steady approach is the key. A size 2.5 jig, or even a slow-sinking size 3.0, will gently flutter down, mimicking natural prey and enticing squid without spooking them.
Current Conqueror: But if the currents are running strong, don't give up! A faster-sinking jig, like a size 3.0 or 3.5, will slice through the current and reach the strike zone efficiently. This ensures your jig spends more time tempting squid and less time getting swept away.
Going Shallow or Deep? Dive Right in With the Perfect Jig
Depth Perception: Knowing your water depth is crucial! For shallow areas, a lighter jig size 2.5 or slow-sinking 3.0 will effectively reach the squid. But as the water gets deeper, a faster descent is needed to reach the squid zone before your jig drifts away.
Deep Water Dominator: For depths that demand a deeper dive, a size 3.0 or even a 3.5 jig becomes your best friend. These jigs cut through the water column efficiently, allowing you to spend more time tempting squid at the target depth.
Mastering the Art of Tsuriou Squid Jig Size Selection
By considering factors like time of day, squid season, weather condition, water depth and water current, you've unlocked the secrets to choosing the most effective squid jig for any scenario. Remember, a bit of trial and error on the water will further refine your skills. As you experiment with different jig sizes, sink rates, and techniques, you'll become a master of squid jig selection, maximising your catch and enjoying success on every outing!